Michaela Shiffrinová návrat
Po nehode a následnom úmrtí otca, Michaela Shiffrinová dočasne prerušila svoju účasť na pretekoch. Naposledy pretekala 26. januára a po viac ako mesačnej prestávke, pripúšťa, že by sa mohla vrátiť.
Michaela cez video zverejnené na sociálnej sieti oznámila, že poletí do Škandinávie, kde sa na budúci týždeň má konať ďalšia séria pretekov v meste Aare. Či sa postaví na štart však definitívne nepotvrdila.
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Hi everyone! ??? long time no see, I hope you all are doing well, because informations i’m gonna post right now aren’t as good as i expected ? 1️⃣. information •WORLD CUP FINALS IN CORTINA ‘D AMPEZZO ( ITA ?? )ARE CANCELLED ❌ -yes, you are reading correctly, world cup finals are cancelled -racers (both women and men) were supossed to race here on 18 – 22 March -the plan was to let racers compete here in downhill, super G, slalom, giant slalom + team parallel -and the reason for cancelling these races? Corona virus…i think that many of you ‘ve already probably heard, that in Italy is widespread Corona virus the most from all european countries – so due to the Corona virus, organizers ‘ve decided to rather cancel these races, because health is the most important -at first they planned to just not let audience be there, but the final decision, which was made yesterday, says, that not just audience, but also racers can’t go there and race there (as FIS said, the safety and health of all racers, audience, organizers, just all the people working on existation of these races is the most important, so the best decision is to just cancel it all) -and no, there won’t be a replacement of these races…well what does that mean? -the last races for women are gonna be held in Åre (SWE ??), on 12 – 14 March, where we will see women competing in three disciplines (parallel slalom, giant slalom and slalom) -this place is also the last chance for women ,where to gain points to the overall ,slalom ,giant slalom and parallel standings 2️⃣. information •okey, maybe i was lying a little bit, because there is one positive thing about the end of this season •MIKAELA IS COMING BACK ❤️?? -and my thought about this i’m gonna post a little bit later in another post? okey, bye ?? #teamshiffrin #abfttb
A post shared by Team Shiffrin ❤️ (@teammikaelashiffrin) on Mar 7, 2020 at 3:12am PST
Počas neúčasti v pretekoch stratila vedúcu pozíciu v celkovom hodnotení. Na prvú priečku sa dostala Federica Brignoneová.
Zdroj: instagram.com/mikaelashiffrin/